Hi Everyone! How have you been? It's been a minute since I posted a new pattern. These past two winters, I've been involved with doing a lot of homeless outreach here on Boston's North Shore. The winters are long and cold. The shelters fill up fast. People are outside in freezing cold weather. That means passing out hot coffee, lots of blankets, arctic sleeping bag, popup tents and bagged lunches to folks shivering in the streets. It means making referrals to emergency psychiatric services and meal programs. Now that winter is over, I'm burnt-toast. I need a break. One thing that I've struggled with throughout the years of working for social justice is finding balance for prayer, church-going and selfcare. The important things that matter most. They help me from feeling lost and overwhelmed. Everything is better when I integrate all these things into my life. When I place God, prayer and church first then I'm on the right track. But I'm a flawed person. When I feel passionate about social justice, I can often neglect the gentle activities that bring stillness and peace to my life. I guess that's why I'm drawn to cross stitch. Cross stitch is slow-going, but that's why I like it. Stitching allows me to rest and be still. A hoop in my hand focuses my attention inward. I find serenity in the rhythm of a needle passing through linen. I love the way silk thread looks against linen. I'm very happy for a return to a slower pace. Isn't that what summer is about? Slowing down. Resting. Recreating. That might be why I experience an increase in sales just before summer starts. Thank you to all my sweet customers who find joy in stitching my patterns. That makes my heart happy. I imagine my customers stitching my designs in their air conditioned condos or on their porches with a glass of iced tea or lemonade nearby. Taking care of ourselves by cooking healthy dinners, going for long walks and making something pretty are balms for the soul. Selfcare also means hugging and petting my rescued beagle much more, staying present in the moment and watching her have running-paw-dreams. Standing still feels right. It feels good. To be with my silks and linens is my re-creation.
This new rose pattern is the first in a series. I hope to stitch and frame each piece and hang them on a gallery wall. My plan is to frame all the new rose patterns in simple gold frames. Roses will always be my muse. These new patterns are all about roses. A celebration of my favorite flower. I designed the silhouette roses in an impressionistic style. The pattern feels fresh, free, modern and vintage at the same time.
The rose silhouettes can be stitched in all one color or your favorite pinks and greens. There are so many options for stitching the roses on colored linen too. Stitch one rose or all of them. The pattern is meant to inspire you to create something beautiful and handmade. Stitching my simple patterns are a stress-reducing, mindful experience. Simple is always beautiful. I don't go for a lot of changing threads. For me, lots of thread changes makes cross stitching less enjoyable and less meditative.
This rose pattern is perfect for summer-stitching because you can take it on vacation with you. Stitch on your porch, on your couch watching Netflix or in your rose garden. Once you've completed a single rose, you can frame it or continue stitching all of the roses. The pattern is very flexible. The detailed pattern will be for on Friday in my shop. Please feel free to send me an email with your questions or comment below. I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Summer Stitching!
xx ~ Jilly!