
Friday, March 11, 2016

My Life In Cross Stitch

Okay, let's be real. I suck at math and certain office duties that require the shuffling of paper. Very long phone conversations cause a knot in my stomach. Remembering my age is never going to happen (it's genetic). I could care less about my birthday. I sometimes hang out in monasteries to pray with monks. I curse in Lebanese. There are a lotta eccentricities and weaknesses that go along with being me. However, I can cross stitch. I love this zen-hobby. I embrace my granny-chic tendencies

I accept my abilities (and lack thereof). It has taken me half my life to realize what I really want to do. That, my darlings, is a blessing. If you're interested in giving cross-stitch a go, check out my interview with Boston Magazine here. I warn you that I say "kind of" and "like" way too many times. Flashback to the 1980's. Cue the Aquanet. ;)   

Happy Stitching!xx ~ Jilly 


  1. I love your beautiful cross stitch designs and sympathize and identify with your weaknesses. Share your gifts!

  2. Hello There!

    Thank you so very much for your kind words! So nice of you to leave a comment! xx ~ Jilly
