
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Feeling Stitchy

Hi Everyone! Spring has sprung in New England. On the North Shore of Boston, flowers are budding on the trees. I've done some spring cleaning. I've also been outside everyday, walking on the piers and in the parks. My beagle is a happy sidekick.

Salem is jumping with tourists and trolley tours. The restaurants and coffee shops are bustling. It's fun to see everyone enjoying the city. I'm also excited to start my new spring sampler pattern. I've decided to use antique-white linen and a medley of DMC vintage-y colors. In a nook of my tiny home, a work "studio" is finally set up. Yipee!

I found the pretty vintage needlework on etsy and the vintage pastel painting in Newburyport, MA. The painting was done by a lady named Sarah who lived there. It's of her backyard. Charming in its aged and faded imperfection. I love mixing old and new things together.


Assembling packages for my sweet customers is also very special to me!

One of the perks of living a small, creative life is you get to spend more time in nature. On my walk yesterday, I saw the sweetest young couple holding hands. I know they'll get married. They had that certain look. A few kids, covered in strawberry ice cream, asked to pet my dog. They giggled as she licked their faces. A young boy told his parents that he loved the smell of the ocean. A disabled man asked to take a photo of my dog. Life is a string of beautifully ordinary moments. Don't miss it. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Happy Stitching!xx ~ Jilly  

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